Sustainable Development

A responsible and sustainable growth, shared with all our stakeholders
Chantiers de l’Atlantique ensures the fair sharing of the value created by the company by combining profitability and responsibility. This process takes the shape of various commitments to its partners, clients, providers, collaborators, co-contractors and the civil society, as well as, of course, our planet.
The environment
Chantiers de l’Atlantique lowered its own impact on the environment while offering solutions and services aiming to help its clients to reduce their energy and natural resource consumption as well as their CO2 emission. This is based on a R&D program called “Ecorizon®”.

The collaborators
Men and women are at the center of the company success as well as the drivers of its performance. The objective is to trigger performance and deep involvement of the company’s collaborators by adopting relevant human resources policies. This is the reason why, when newcomers arrive at Chantiers de l’Atlantique, they stay there and remain motivated. When clients call upon the shipyard for their projects, they are provided with the best professionals of their respective fields, people able to understand their needs and answer accordingly
This involvement comes from various actions in terms of remuneration, gender equality, training, referral programs, as well as different agreements that are regularly updated in accordance with opinion polls.

Chantiers de l’Atlantique is engaged on, on various markets in favor of its clients:
- Thanks to Atlantique +, a range of products and solutions aiming to create added value for the ship-owners, the company’s innovation process is put in service of sustainable cruising.
- It contributes to reducing the LCOE (Levelised Cost of Energy), an essential factor of the competitiveness of the RME sector (Renewable Marine Energy) before carbon-based energy.
- Every two years, the satisfaction level of the clients is measured by questioning them about their expectation and priorities.
- Coherent policies in terms of quality, health, work safety and environment are defined and implemented, thus improving and strengthening the industrial performances.
Providers and co-contractors
The development of lasting relationship with the providers and co-contractors is an essential factor of everyone’s responsible process. There is nothing we could do without each other. Chantiers de l’Atlantique aims to constantly improve its capabilities and the response speed of its supply chain as well as strengthen its economic and ecological efficiency. During the whole selection process as well as the work phases with its providers and co-contractors, Chantiers de l’Atlantique takes into account a number of criteria in relation with sustainable development.
of purchases made within Europe
providers involved in the LEAN program
check-ups of social conformity made in 2019
actions for the work activity Design To Buy
The Civil Society
Chantiers de l’Atlantique is a company of citizenship and a responsible employer, active in the economical and social development of the communities it operates with. To do so, Chantiers de l’Atlantique is deeply involved in various projects in favor of local and national economy, of education and for its community in terms of employment, mentoring, sponsorship and transportation