Substation forthe Fécamp offshorewind farm

Substation for the Fécamp offshore wind farm
In June 2020, AOE, which is at the head of a consortium of companies including GE Grid Solution and SDI, a member of the DEME Group, received an order from another consortium, this one led by EDF Renouvelables in association with Enbridge and wpd Offshore, to design, manufacture and install the electrical substation for the offshore wind farm of Fécamp.
This project counts 71 offshore wind turbines for a cumulated power of nearly 500 MW. The considered solution will allow producing enough energy to provide for more than 770,000 people, that is to say 60 % of the region inhabitants, by 2023.
Organization of the contract
The consortium gathers the expertise of Atlantique Offshore Energy – in charge of the designing, manufacturing and commissioning of the topside and the Jacket structure – of GE Grid Solution – in charge of the designing, manufacturing and commissioning of the high-voltage electrical equipment as well as the safety and the control and command equipment – and of SDI – in charge of the transportation and installation of the structures. This is the same consortium which won the contract for Saint-Nazaire offshore wind farm’s substation. The Fécamp substation will mostly be identical to Saint-Nazaire’s, allowing the consortium to capitalize on the experience earned from the first, but also to optimize the maintenance and the commissioning of the client’s various wind farms.