
SeeOS – Scalable Efficient Evolutive Offshore Substation
SeeOs is a scalable solution for electrical substation attached to offshore wind farms. Thanks to its modularity, this concept can be adapted to any necessary power provider from 200 MW to more than 1 GW. It can be installed on any type of foundation (monopile, jacket or floating) according to the site constraints.
The base unit can produce 200 to 300 MW and can be adapted to the equipment offered by every electric component providers of the market. SeeOs1 is a unit able to hold a power transformer. It can be enlarged to hold a second one (SeeOs1XL) and thus be able to fill every need with the same philosophy.
Up to three units of SeeOs1 or SeeOs1XL can be combined to reach a cumulated 1 GW of power injected to the grid.
In addition to its scalable characteristics, SeeOs can also be adapted in accordance to our clients’ preferences, maintenance or transportation strategies or installation methods (with one or two lifting points for example) as well as to the norms and local regulation.
These specific needs – such as switchyard reactors, active harmonic filters, emergency diesel engines, living areas, inside and outside the structure navigation, workshops or warehouses – can easily be added the base unit.
Its efficient design allows for delivery period, investment, commissioning and maintenance expenses lowered by 20 %.
With the future market developments in mind, SeeOs has been designed taking into account the latest technological developments such as the 66 kV, future environmental requirements and floating foundations.