ElectricalSubstation Rentel

A Turnkey Project
Atlantique Offshore Energy manufactured the 309 MW electrical substation for the Rentel offshore wind farm, operated by Otary in the Belgian North Sea. In 2016, won an EPCI contract to design, manufacture, transport and install at sea an offshore substation to be delivered the 10th of January 2018.
This “turnkey” project by Atlantique Offshore Energy confirmed the competitiveness of the company on the offshore eolian market. Atlantique Offshore Energy widened its scope of intervention by being tasked with the engineering, the integration of electrical equipment, the installation of the monopile foundation and the substation module.
In September 2017, the foundation of the substation was successfully installed. It represents an 80 meters long monopile manufactured in the Netherlands, a transition piece connecting the foundation and the topside manufactured in Spain, and a tubular cage for the laying of electric cables connecting the wind turbines to the substation, and the substation to the electrical grid.
The manufacturing of the topside structure was mostly undertaken in the Anemos workshop, which is dedicated to marine energies. Atlantique Offshore Energy then realized the equipment’ integration up to the installation at sea and the definitive commissioning of the substation module.
See the Substation Sheet See the Substation Sheet
309 MW
Weight of the Monopile:
1,600 t
Height of the Monopile:
80xØ7/8 m
Weight of the Topside:
1,200 t
Height of the Topside:
32x17x20 m